I was disciplined about NOT running for 6 days...Focused my Taper week on good swims, strength training and some great cyclo-training. There is some tenderness but no pain when swimming and biking...I followed the R.I.C.E. recipe to a tee...Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation...I went to my Foot/Ankle doctor and Electro-stimmed both ankles...I also applied UltraSound therapy. I taped it. I took Celebrex. I followed the advice of my doctor and coach to a tee...
It was going pretty well...Until Saturday.
Saturday was a 60 minute taper run. I decided to give it a go. L.S.D. 7:30s for 5 miles...Felt okay. Then, at about mile 5.5 / 40-minutes...it flared up and was terrible for the last 20 minutes...Came home...iced it and put on a brace...It is crazy because my fitness is awesome...5 miles @ 7:30s and hardly breathing. Pretty much a "forever pace"...But the ankle feels swollen, unstable and very tender...even to the touch.
Trying NOT to panic. Trying to stay calm. I know Sunday will be a tough day...1920 meter swim. 56 mile bike. 13.1 mile run. Trying to take the negative thoughts and turn them positive...Maybe race day adrenaline will ease the pain. Maybe another Taper week will get me better. Maybe 56 miles on the bike will keep my ankle "loose"...maybe I will slip on a brace at T2 transition and that will do the trick...Maybe this is an opportunity to come back from New Orleans and pile on the swim and cycling miles and cut my running...Maybe this is an opportunity to turn the bike into a strength...A major goal for 2009...Maybe I should learn my lesson and never "train" on pavement in racing flats (idiot!).
Other news. I deferred my entry on St. Anthonys for April 26. My niece Janelle is receiving Holy Communion and that is way more important than a race. Another potential blessing in disguise...I will likely enter Siesta Key Olympic Tri. on May 9. That gives me two more weeks to heal after New Orleans...I know the Siesta Key water and course. This is a race that if I jam...and the stars align...and I am healthy...and I don't fiddle around in Transition...I could...maybe...possibly...podium...another aggressive goal for 2009...
Finally, I splurged and bought nice race wheels. Really sharp looking Zipp 404s. So psyched. They are adequately fast and great in the wind. The great team of Mark, Jane,
Greg over at Trek Naples helped me pick em out and put em on...Trek Naples is an awesome family oriented bike store...They are helping Melissa choose / fit in a new tri. bike. They are extremely patient and knowledgable.
Gonna take the race wheels out on a test ride on Tuesday morning...Then I ship my bike out for the Big Easy! 7 Days away!
Gonna take the race wheels out on a test ride on Tuesday morning...Then I ship my bike out for the Big Easy! 7 Days away!