So my great friend Sam introduced me to his Moms a few years ago. She has this awesome garden in her back yard in LA. There are flowers, fruits and vegetables everywhere. I was blown away by her grove of banana trees. So she gives me a sapling and tells me to plant it. I get it back to Fort Myers and planted it. I have watered it, trimmed it, re-planted it, talked to it, fertilized it...Three years later, I have 6 huge, 15 foot banana trees that are now starting to bear fruit! One tree is just bursting with bananas!!! I am sure there is a tacky training analogy here somewhere; something about perseverance, patience, reap what you sow...
Here is a picture of the latest bushel of bananas. My wife made banana bread last night. Absolutely delicious!
Just when I say I am "bored" by golf...I go out and win two tournaments in a row. Last weekend Randy and I won our club's "Member-Member" tournament and today I won a Member-Guest with my dad and cousin Tony Massi. Great times. Played well. No expectations.
Did a quick 15 mile ride yesterday followed by a 2 mile TR.
Just finished a 26 mile ride and am doing some functional training in my office.
Longer run tomorrow. 10 miles easy @ HR-1-2.
Feeling Good.
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