Had a good week of training post-Escape from Florida Triathlon.
Monday was a good recovery swim. Then a great bike trainer work-out on Tuesday followed by strength training. Then a hard swim and run on Wednesday with bleacher climbs worked in. Rest on Thursday.
Friday was an awesome work-out. 16 miles in 2 hours flat. Ran most of it on hard packed trails near my house in Gateway. Used an Ipod which helped. Normally I just enjoy the sites and sounds of a long run. The Ipod allowed me to stay in ryhthm with many of the songs keeping me in perfect cadence. Two hours and 16 miles was the longest I have ran since the Marine Corps. Marathon at the end of 2007!!!
Needless to say, my expectations were low for the Edison 5K on Saturday night. Great atmosphere, perfect whether. About 1400 runners and 200,000 fans experienced the Edison 5k including my parents who took care of Benjamin as JJ and Melissa ran in the race. The route is on the parade route and the 5K kicks off the parade. Hence the 200,000 fans. Awesome energy. Winner finished in 4:33 mile pace which is blazing!
There currently is a mean stomach virus around these parts and I think I was feeling it on Saturday night. That, plus the heat and the fact that my legs were dead from the 16 miles the day before kept my expectations low. What do I do on a low expectation race? Run a fast first mile and see how I feel. Ran the first mile in 6:14 and felt okay. I knew this was PR pace but probably not sub-20 pace.
Hit mile 2 in 12:50 and knew it would be close. Stomach cramps came to visit in mile 3 and I got passed by at least 5 people which always "hurts" mentally...especially when they look like they are in your age group. Turned at 3 miles in 19:25 and knew I had a remote chance of sub 20 if I sprinted...But I didn't have it...
20:06 - PR. Feels good not to "feel it" and still PR.
Ran back out and then in with JJ and Melissa...an awesome family experience. Had dinner, watched the floats, took some pictures (will post later) and then called it a night. Mel was sick all day yesterday. I just felt tired and not myself.
BUT - In the spirit of this "build week" - I pounded out close to 60 miles in 3 hours flat on the bike. Held it at 20.0 MPH most of the way and then bonked for the last 4 miles. Convinced myself that a 5 mile "cool" in HR 1-2 was okay. Not sure what coach would think but I was done...I have to build up on these long bike rides...I feel terrible at about mile 40...
But I got off the bike and ran sub 8 minute miles for 2.5 miles (20 minutes). Then, enjoyed the rest of the day with JJ - Hyatt Water slide, baseball practice and then church. Counted my blessings for my health, another 5K PR and asked for strength as I am 5 weeks away from the New Orleans half Ironman!
I need an Iron-stomach with this virus!
Monday was a good recovery swim. Then a great bike trainer work-out on Tuesday followed by strength training. Then a hard swim and run on Wednesday with bleacher climbs worked in. Rest on Thursday.
Friday was an awesome work-out. 16 miles in 2 hours flat. Ran most of it on hard packed trails near my house in Gateway. Used an Ipod which helped. Normally I just enjoy the sites and sounds of a long run. The Ipod allowed me to stay in ryhthm with many of the songs keeping me in perfect cadence. Two hours and 16 miles was the longest I have ran since the Marine Corps. Marathon at the end of 2007!!!
Needless to say, my expectations were low for the Edison 5K on Saturday night. Great atmosphere, perfect whether. About 1400 runners and 200,000 fans experienced the Edison 5k including my parents who took care of Benjamin as JJ and Melissa ran in the race. The route is on the parade route and the 5K kicks off the parade. Hence the 200,000 fans. Awesome energy. Winner finished in 4:33 mile pace which is blazing!
There currently is a mean stomach virus around these parts and I think I was feeling it on Saturday night. That, plus the heat and the fact that my legs were dead from the 16 miles the day before kept my expectations low. What do I do on a low expectation race? Run a fast first mile and see how I feel. Ran the first mile in 6:14 and felt okay. I knew this was PR pace but probably not sub-20 pace.
Hit mile 2 in 12:50 and knew it would be close. Stomach cramps came to visit in mile 3 and I got passed by at least 5 people which always "hurts" mentally...especially when they look like they are in your age group. Turned at 3 miles in 19:25 and knew I had a remote chance of sub 20 if I sprinted...But I didn't have it...
20:06 - PR. Feels good not to "feel it" and still PR.
Ran back out and then in with JJ and Melissa...an awesome family experience. Had dinner, watched the floats, took some pictures (will post later) and then called it a night. Mel was sick all day yesterday. I just felt tired and not myself.
BUT - In the spirit of this "build week" - I pounded out close to 60 miles in 3 hours flat on the bike. Held it at 20.0 MPH most of the way and then bonked for the last 4 miles. Convinced myself that a 5 mile "cool" in HR 1-2 was okay. Not sure what coach would think but I was done...I have to build up on these long bike rides...I feel terrible at about mile 40...
But I got off the bike and ran sub 8 minute miles for 2.5 miles (20 minutes). Then, enjoyed the rest of the day with JJ - Hyatt Water slide, baseball practice and then church. Counted my blessings for my health, another 5K PR and asked for strength as I am 5 weeks away from the New Orleans half Ironman!
I need an Iron-stomach with this virus!