Florida's Great Escape Triathlon took place at Lake Louisa State Park in Clermont, FL. GREAT venue. The distances were 1 mile swim in Lake Louisa, 18 mile bike on rolling hills, 5 mile run on sand, packed clay and asphalt.
I love when a trip comes together. I went up with Mel, JJ and Benjamin on Saturday morning and we stayed at the Renaissance Seaworld. We did a whirlwind tour of Seaworld and saw the Shamu Believe show, Dolphin Mystery Show and Pets Ahoy. JJ and Mel rode an awesome log flume and the "Kraken" which is rated as one of the Top 10 roller coasters in the world. This was JJ's maiden voyage on a REAL roller coaster and what an experience. Mel was a trooper to go on it and hasn't been the same since. There was one too many corkscrew turns for her liking. She still feels "hung over." I of course would never set foot on a roller coaster of any kind...and definitely not the day before a triathlon.
That night we were settling down and JJ was relaxing in bed next to me. I was kinda into myself...feeling anxious about the race. I could go to sleep and make this a normal night or I could try to make it extra memorable. I decided to "ask" if JJ wanted to go down to the pool and Spa...He lit up. Absolutely! 
We went down and he managed to go from the cold pool to the hot hot tub about 6 or 7 times...You know - that amazing feeling of extreme cold and extreme heat...he loved it. Several Father son conversations and 5 video games later and at about Midnight we hit the sack...
No alarm clock needed. I was tossing and turning at 5 AM. "Can I finish this distance?" ... "How will I do on my new Crono?" ... "Can I come in the top 10 in my age group?" ... "Could I possibly bonk?" I decided to encourage Mel, JJ and Benjamin to take a cab out to Clermont ($80 trip)...I spared them all the waiting and transition set-up and pre-race hoopla...They happily obliged.
At the USAT registration desk, I met Joanna Zieger. Not the most pleasant person as she argued with the volunteers about her registration fee. But hey, she IS the reigning 70.3 world champion. She also rides MY Guru Crono which was a thrill to see...I then saw no less than 4 Olympians warming up on their bike...I knew I was in for a crazy experience.
The Swim venue looked awesome. Buoys every 100 meters or so and very clearly marked. It was very shallow which made things difficult in the beginning and end of the swim. But all in all, I had a great mile swim in 25:50. I will say that I was shaky getting out of the water and running to transition...some oxygen debt and vertigo but that always seems to happen.
Uneventful transition 1 other than seeing that there were still a LOT of bikes on the racks. Good sign. I get on the bike and haul ass for 2 miles expecting to be passed...Held steady at 22 MPH...Felt strong on the bike. Saw Mel, JJ and Benjamin in their cab, entering the park at about Mile 10. That was pretty funny...a bunch of Pro triathletes whizzing by and cursing at a Yellow Cab in a state park...how committed is my wife? How awesome is that?
Saw Coach Angie on several loops...knew that she was coming for me. But I held her off...surprisingly so. I never felt fatigued. I was psyched with my 22 avg MPH for the whole 18 miles. Passed a couple other team-mates which was unexpected.
T2 was uneventful other than NOT seeing many bikes on the rack. Good sign. Hit the run and told myself that I would stay sub-8 minute miles. Felt strong. I changed my perspective when I got passed by an elite woman in a bathing suit with a major wedgie and re-committed to sub-7:30s...After I caught my breath, I quickly committed to sub 7:10s...I was amazed by how strong I felt on the run...even though the first mile or so was through soft sand.
I definitely went 6:45 or so for the last mile and finished in a strong 1:54:28. I held 7:06 pace for the run. I finished 6th in my age group. Best part is that I did not brick on the bike. I was 7th in my age group for the bike and was very close to 6th. I know this is a function of training...but also the strength of my new Guru. It just cuts through the wind, allows me to be in aero longer and just flies down-hill. I also had a bit more energy and adrenaline in this race.
It was awesome to see the elite/pro field...Shoemaker, Long, McClarty and Zieger. Great to get a taste of pro triathlon racing. Shoemaker ran 4:53 miles off the bike. Zieger swam a mile in 19:18????? Just blazing.
Even though I got smoked, I felt like I belonged. I feel as though the Olympic Distance is a great distance for me. Just enough on the swim to get me into anaerobic...just enough miles on the bike to get to lactic acid build-up but not spent and a reasonable distance run that blends speed with some endurance.
I feel ready for New Orleans 70.3. Not ready right now. But "6 weeks from now ready." I do not feel as intimidated and I don't feel that sense of anxiety that I could bonk and not finish the race...
Lovin' this training. Loving this sport! definitely hooked.
Lovin' this training. Loving this sport! definitely hooked.
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