4th Annual Turtle Trot; a 5K race through the naturalized mangrove trails surrounding Lover's Key State Park. (Picture Above). What a beautiful venue. I have done 3 outta 4 Turtle Trots. One was done on my 37th birthday when JJ and Mel coming out with big signs...cheering me on. They are so awesome. For some reason, this race starts at 8 AM and it is blazing hot by the last mile.
I registered early and we dropped JJ and Ben off at my parents in Naples at 7 AM. No matter what the circumstances, Mom and Dad are always ready, willing and able to pitch in and baby-sit as Mel and I go off on these crazy race excursions...they are the best!
The gun goes off and Mel and I go. Some soft sand and winding turns and blazing hot. About 82 and humid at the start and 96 at the finish line in the bright sun. I ran a 21:10 which was wasn't bad considering the conditions. I pushed at the end to try to beat a guy I thought was in my AG but he wasn't...I beat him but he was in his early 30s. Nice to push it and win those down the stretch. Finished 3rd and podiumed. Always nice...it's been a while.
Mel did well...Steady Eddy. She is getting ready for the June 7 Naples Fitness Triathlon (reverse with a 5K, 9 mile bike and 400 m. swim). When I finished, I turned back to meet her with some water. I went back to mile 2 marker and then back again to the finish. I had an 80 minute run on the books so I continued on the beach and had an awesome run.
I felt blessed to live in SW Florida...There were 4 groups of triathletes along the route...all of whom were runners from the 5K and getting ready for an open water swim. The water was 81 degrees and like glass...several white buoys are out at about 200 meters - perfect for "sighting" practice. The whole atmosphere was great...the dolphins, fishermen, swimmers, waders, boaters...perfect time of year here in SW Florida.
Went back and worked with Mel on her cycling. She rode 12 miles around my parents development. Great work-out for her. Run 5K and bike 12 miles. She is really improving. She is an experienced swimmer and a solid runner. She will be a "sleeper" cyclist. She has the legs and core for it. It's just a matter of time. She just needs to log the miles.
This morning, we went out to Bowditch / Ft Myers Beach and Mel did her first open water swim. She was awesome. A little timid at first but a strong stroke and a solid 20 minute effort. There was a bit of a current but the water was flat. Basically perfect conditions. She is on the trainer bike right now. No denying my wife when she commits to something.
I did a 3 hour / 58 mile bike ride this afternoon in the heat...it was 94 when I started. I was sucking down the fluids. I got stuck in a torrential rain storm at mile 24 but rode it out...4 miles later I was out of the storm, back in the sun and my bike was dry...only in Florida!
I completed a 3 mile transition run and felt strong...7:17 first mile and then settled in to a 7:30 pace for the next 2. If I can go sub-8 minute miles for 13 miles in my Fall 70.3, I have an outside shot to qualify for Worlds. If it were today, I think I would have been in the 8:15 / mile range...
I am getting there. Slowly but surely...
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