Mel decided to register and make this her first triathlon race. Her will and commitment never ceases to amaze me. Since giving birth on August 10, 2009, she has done 3 5Ks, a half marathon and now a triathlon. That feat alone isn't what's most amazing...To be able to do that and balance the house, finances, homework...care for JJ and Baby Ben...just incredible...she has not gotten a full 7 hours of sleep in the last 10 months. But she finds a way to go out, train, compete and FINISH...AND under her goal of 1:20.
Our weekend leading up to the race was awesome. Had a 50 mile bike ride on Friday. Went to the Beach Club on Saturday where we got a very nice suite and relaxed the night before the race. Met a nice Scuba Instructor who was entered in my race and in my AG...He just finished Disney 70.3 and ran an 18:30 that morning in a 5K in Delray Beach....That, coupled with what I calculated to be a $10,000 bike made me worry...How am I going to podium with THIS guy in the race...We talked for an hour about racing, training, equipment...Mel laughed that I had found a new best friend at the bar. It is funny how easy it is to talk to other Triathlon phanatics...
We also did a nice training swim in the ocean. It was very rough and I was concerned for Mel. 400 meters in the ocean with 4 foot swells, currents and white water. I told her that she needed to take it easy...one stroke at a time.
We also did a nice training swim in the ocean. It was very rough and I was concerned for Mel. 400 meters in the ocean with 4 foot swells, currents and white water. I told her that she needed to take it easy...one stroke at a time.
Night before the race. Murphy's law. There was a group on our hall who partied all night. That kept the baby awake and screaming. Then Mel got a migraine and had to leave the room for medicine. That was at 4 AM. Groggy, we woke up and got ready to head to transition at 6 AM. I was exhausted and so was Mel. Oh yeah, and it was windy and RAINING.
Kudos to JJ and our new baby-sitter Julianne. JJ was the photographer and Julianne showed up on time and took over with Benjamin. That really put Mel at ease. Transition set up went well. Driving range at the NBC.
I did a 15 minute warm-up...I wasn't feeling very good. I ran to the beach and was amazed by what appeared to be a MUCH LONGER swim venue. I worried about Mel. Her first time with this kind of race and swimming was LAST. Made a calculated decision NOT to tell her what I saw.
Gun goes off at 7:30. Ran a 6:20 on the button first mile. Felt pretty good but a bit dehydrated. Mile 2 in 12:48. Still on track. 3 Miles in 19:30 and shut it down for the last bit of the run.
Transition was slow. ALWAYS slow in transition. Gotta fix that.
Bike was awesome. I was in 40th according to JJ after the run. Goal was to finish in the top 20 and podium. I passed 10 people on the bike quickly...great runners who had no chance on the bike. Held 23.5 pretty much the whole way. Actually felt great considering this was my second sprint race. Funny that even after a hard run, the first 2 miles on the bike felt like a rest. No anaerobic feeling. I passed close to 25 total people on the bike...only 2 "disc-heads" passed me.
T2 was better...BUT - there was a 1/4 mile+ run from T2 to the beach...I went to grab water and it spilled...Bummer. I sprinted the first 200 meters and then jogged the rest in order to put on my goggles. No swim cap.
The first 100 meters was directly into the current and into the 4 foot swells. Not fun. But I had this calm feeling that I new I could pick off at least 10-15 people in front of me. I could see them getting closer to me faster.
Turned right at the first buoy and sped up. Went hard for the next 200 meters and passed a few more people...Turned right at the final buoy and headed home. Down wind, down current. Very smooth and fast. Amazing how important it is to keep your core "relaxed" when ocean water swimming. Let the water move you. I new I had a chance for top 20 and maybe a podium finish...went into anaerobic mode.
I picked off two more people in the 25 meter run from the ocean to the finish.
Turns out, I finished 5th in my AG....by 4 SECONDS. My last push was the difference.
Podium finish. Another goal accomplished for 2009! I was absolutely floored. When I was called up to get my crystal I was blown away. JJ and Mel took pictures. I know who the guys were who came in 1-4. They have been on a pedestal...They have the shaved bodies, six pack abs and tree trunk legs...like Ironmen types...I felt stunned to be up there with them...I know this wasn't an elite race but I couldn't imagine being able to cycle with these guys...But slowly / surely, cycling is becoming more and more of a strength.

I stepped it up this morning and signed up for IronMan 70.3 Cancun in September. I still have this dream of qualifying for Worlds THIS year. Not a goal...just a dream...
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