2009. What a year. Ups and Downs. Trials and tribulations. Super-highs and some bad lows.
First the good. I nailed my triathlon goals that were set exactly a year ago. I finished the Ironman in under 12:30. I podiumed in a race (3 actually). I went sub-20 in a 5K. I came in 3rd or better in my AG in each of the 3 disciplines...I dramatically improved my swim and bike and I stayed strong with my running. I was pseudo-coachable but have much more work to do there...and I stayed balanced with my training, work and family commitments...all things considered.
Most importantly, JJ is a gifted student with straight A's and a love of learning that I never had. He is compassionate, caring, curious and cool. He is growing up fast and just a joy to be around. Then, there's Benjamin Strider. I have connected more with him than anyone this past year. His bright smile and happy demeanor brings warmth to my heart every moment I have the pleasure of hanging out with him...There is complete unconditional love for both my boys...
Now the not so good. Mel and I lost our child soon after we went through another round of Invitro. This involved another surgical procedure that was heart-wrenching. My Dog died tragically. The family businesses continued to get rocked by the economy. I tore my right calf muscle shortly after IM Louisville and was not able to compete in Half Ironman Cancun...
I'd say the biggest "high" in 2009 was IM Louisville. I never thought I could train so hard through such tough conditions (95 degree heat all summer) and perform on race day with such strength and conviction. I can't believe I could bike 112 hours and run the entire marathon...I loved the run down the shoot, the culmination at the finish line and the after-math of sharing the exultation with hundreds of fellow triathletes. Can't wait to do it again this year.
The biggest low was not only losing Lyoko, but the stress of work, the shitty economy (especially in real estate) and the toll that takes on our family. The entrepreneur thing and working from home sets up a very dangerous dynamic of stress, long hours, short fuses and unpredictable compensation. It was tough to turn it off and let it go. The bad energy crept into our home and daily life. Not good.
2010 will be different. The economy is showing signs of life. I have had good conversations with Mel on how to better balance. I am learning to surrender and let go. Mel's got my back...she provides an awesome ying to my "workaholic and take on too much" yang...We are communicating openly about another Invitro or adoption option. I am blessed by family, friends and faith that keeps me grounded...I know that God never gives me more than I can handle.
In terms of my triathlon goals...There is only 1 goal for 2010.
WORLDS. I will qualify for The Half Ironman World Championships in Clearwater, FL in November. This will require me to come in 5th or better in my age group or have a slot roll down. This will undoubtedly require a sub-5 hour effort...That's 30 minute swim, 2:35 bike and a 1:45 run...and 5 minutes or less of combined transition.
Achieving this goal will be harder than achieving all goals from 2009. It will require me to train smart and be more coachable - total trust in Coach Angie. Achieving this will require a good/better diet. Achieving this will require dialing in my bike...I will do this...
New Orleans on April 18...Providence on July 11???...Then, Cancun, Mexico as a back-up in September.
First up. River, Roots and Ruts half marathon this Sunday...Hopefully this will be a sub-1:45 effort with no mis-haps...Then Disney Half and Maybe the Naples Half in January...This willa allow me to assess my run fitness...I hope to be where I was last year...I know that I am a faster swimmer and much better cyclist.
I have had a pretty strong off-season. I hope this set the foundation...
Cool blog, good luck with your WORLDS goal this year (believe you have the mindset to accomplish it for sure!) and just one question...what's your handicap these days?
-- Fellow golfer turned triathlete wishing I could do both better
My handicap is that when I look at a water hazard on the golf course, I think about how fast I can swim through them!!!! Officially, I am a 7 handicap but rarely ever play! Thanks for visiting my blog!!!!
John, I'm a Singaporean that stumbled across your blog awhile ago. Your experiences and progress have been very inspirational. I'm attempting my first sprint tri in October 2010. I'm a competent runner and cyclist but have been putting off doing a triathlon for the longest time due to my weak swimming but I've been training in the pool quite a bit lately and I hope it will serve me well come October!
All the best, hope to read more about your journey in 2010!
Jeremy - Thanks for visiting and for your kind words...I feared the swim as well...and now it turns out to be my best event...turns out that it is like riding a bike...I swam as a kid and it all came back after some time in the pool...I would advise that you practice open water swims and siting specifically...Keep me posted on your progress...what race are you doing on 10/10??? Is it in Singapore?
Soon you will be able to learn all about John Gamba Jr. at johngamba.com
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