Monday, June 22, 2009

85 miles @ 19.5 mph

Last week was another "build" week. Glad it is over!

Last week also had a few days of broken records in terms of heat, humidity and heat indexes. During the weekend, when training demands were at their highest, the heat indexes regularly soared around 103 degrees.

The week started with a good recovery swim on Monday and trainer work-out on Tuesday. I changed my strength training to focus more on perfect form, lighter weights and more reps. Trying to increase strength in "core" areas vs. bulking up.

Wednesday was an awesome swim / track work-out...The swim was intense with an 800 warm-up and two 800 repeats on 30 seconds rest. The track work-out involved a 300, 600, 800, 600, 300 ladder with 300 meter recoveries between each. Thursday was a rest day...Friday was strength training and some good core work.

The fun began on Saturday morning. I had my new Bontrager S-aero bars and new Bontrager tri. shoes. I left the house at 6:55AM with an 85 mile / 4.5 hour journey in front of me. Temperature at 7AM was 84 and humid. The 85 mile course involves 1 large bridge and 4 other smaller bridges. I went from Gateway to Sanibel Island to Fort Myers Beach to Estero to Bonita Beach to the Circle K freezer!!!! Bonita Springs to Corkscrew Road to SWF International Airport and then back to Gateway...

Did the whole 85 miles with moderate wind and one break (at Mile 57 to refill the bottles) in 19.5 MPH. This is a big breakthrough for me. I am hoping to do the 112 miles (with several hills) in Louisville at an average of 18 mph. With the heat and bridges, I was happy to hold on and keep it above 19 MPH.

Followed the ride with a 25 minute transition run...did a full 3.5 miles which is also a break-through for me. Did the first mile in 7:17 and held steady from their. Well under the 8 minute miles that is the bogey in my head that I want to beat in Cancun. In the end, I was spent. But psychologically, I felt great!

Sunday morning's wake-up call was @ 5:55. On the books, I had a 15 minute open water swim, followed by a 1:45 run. Needless to say, my legs were heavy. Swim went great. Water at FM Beach was 88...hotter than the morning air.

Run involved 3 trips over the FM Bridge. Felt really tired but motivated on the bridge. When I hit the beach, the air went stale. No breeze. I was really shot. I ran a total of 45 minutes and then turned back to get water. Still working on this hydration thing. I HATE to run with a water bottle. Gulped down a bottle, put my head under a shower and ran one more jaunt over the FM bridge. Ran with a water bottle...

When I got back, the commisarry store had the news playing. It was the hottest day of the year and one of the hottest days in terms of index in 100 years. I felt great to be done. I started thinking about the hot water in the gulf and the hurricanes that must be brewing out to sea. I can't remember a summer season this hot...but then again, I never was training for an Ironman.

This is a "recovery" week...11 hours of training vs. 14. 3 hour bike ride on Saturday vs. 4.5. Coach says, "respect the recovery week..." because she knows my propensity to over-train. Are you kidding? I will milk any rest for all it is worth!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Camelbak or other on-demand hydration will increase your endurance, I think. For me, it's definitely worth it to carry water, even at the short (and cool) distances I do in Atlanta.