Sunday, May 31, 2009

10,000 Meter Swim Week

Impromptu decision to step up my swimming this week. I have never done 10,000 meters in a week.

Sunday - 1,500 meter open water swim
Monday - 2,000 meter work-out with 1,000 meters of intervals
Wednesday - 3,000 meter work-0ut followed by track work
Friday - 3,500 meter workout with 1600 meters of fast intervals

Best part was that I tested myself with a 100 meter "fast" swim at the end of the interval work-out on Friday. I did it in 1:19 which is about as fast as I can go.

Focusing on the bi-lateral breathing and "short" breaths where one eye stays in the water. Also working on my flutter kick, good body rotation and keeping my core strong through the stroke. I know that I have a ways to go with my form, but I am feeling stronger in the water and my cardio continues to improve. I like the mix of the 25 yard pool I am in with the team, the open water swims and the 25meter pool in my neighborhood.

Good track work-out on Wednesday. 4 x 5:00 intervals on the track with 2 minute recovery. I did 1200 meters in 5 minutes which is about a 6:40 mile pace. Very strong for me. The last two intervals were killer.

Had a good 58 mile bike ride yesterday...Gateway to Sanibel to Fort Myers Beach to Naples. Three hours on the button. There are 4 bridges to climb which made it interesting. Mel picked me up in Naples on the way back from her Triathlon class...we are the all-American triathlon family! Who would have ever thought?

I am off to my 2 hour / 15 mile run. It's only 93 degrees out. Nothing like sweatin' buckets!

Monday, May 25, 2009

...My Cake and Eat it Too

Birthday week. I turned 39 on Wednesday. That means on January 1, 2010, I will officially enter the 40-44 AG. Many people tell me that this is less competitive than 35-39...but I have my doubts. Just seems like both AGs are very competitive. Interesting that I will enter IronMan St. George, Utah as a 40-44 competitor on May 1, 2010.

Great week of training.

Monday was a good recovery swim of 3000 meters. Mixture of drills and tempo laps in under 1 hour.

Tuesday was a 75 minute bike trainer session and weight-lifting.

Wednesday was a killer swim / run session with 5 three minute intervals on the track with only 1 minute recoveries. I was dead on the 4th and 5th interval. The session was followed by a mini-party in my office (see above) with the greatest wife in the world and my two sons. Got some great gifts, awesome cards, cheesecake and Jelly Beans! The entire day was magical with birthday wishes from every area of my life...Facebook is crazy about facilitating the connections from Elementary school to former business partners to my triathlon team.

Thursday was a REST day! I needed it. Friday was a 30 minute bike ride and weight lifting.

Saturday was a 50 mile bike - constant - with a 22 minute transition run. Did another 7:15 mile off the bike and 7:20s for the next 2 miles. Huge improvement for me on the transition runs. Fired up!

Sunday was a VERY TOUGH work-out. 20 minute open water swim...swam through a crazy current. Then a 1:45 run on the beach. That was the longest run for me in a while. The temperature was 85 and no breeze. Ran close to 13 miles. Ankle held up but my legs were shot. Dead tired after that long ride on Saturday.

Today is a day or reflection. I give thanks for all those who serve in the Miltary and give selflessly to our country. I may do a quick tempo swim...but Angie has given us the day off which is nice...I may go swimming with JJ and Melissa. Easy recovery swim.

All in all...another good week of training and a blessed Birthday...

Excited about this upcoming week...we go away on Saturday for a super-long bike and run...the first of 4 trips to prepare for IronMan Louisville...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Turtle Trot 5K - Podium Finish

Saturday morning was another one of those spiritual experiences which connected the beauty of Southwest Florida, the un-bridled dedication of my wife, the gratitude that I have for my parents and the competitive edge that I have with triathlon training.

4th Annual Turtle Trot; a 5K race through the naturalized mangrove trails surrounding Lover's Key State Park. (Picture Above). What a beautiful venue. I have done 3 outta 4 Turtle Trots. One was done on my 37th birthday when JJ and Mel coming out with big signs...cheering me on. They are so awesome. For some reason, this race starts at 8 AM and it is blazing hot by the last mile.

I registered early and we dropped JJ and Ben off at my parents in Naples at 7 AM. No matter what the circumstances, Mom and Dad are always ready, willing and able to pitch in and baby-sit as Mel and I go off on these crazy race excursions...they are the best!

The gun goes off and Mel and I go. Some soft sand and winding turns and blazing hot. About 82 and humid at the start and 96 at the finish line in the bright sun. I ran a 21:10 which was wasn't bad considering the conditions. I pushed at the end to try to beat a guy I thought was in my AG but he wasn't...I beat him but he was in his early 30s. Nice to push it and win those down the stretch. Finished 3rd and podiumed. Always's been a while.

Mel did well...Steady Eddy. She is getting ready for the June 7 Naples Fitness Triathlon (reverse with a 5K, 9 mile bike and 400 m. swim). When I finished, I turned back to meet her with some water. I went back to mile 2 marker and then back again to the finish. I had an 80 minute run on the books so I continued on the beach and had an awesome run.

I felt blessed to live in SW Florida...There were 4 groups of triathletes along the route...all of whom were runners from the 5K and getting ready for an open water swim. The water was 81 degrees and like glass...several white buoys are out at about 200 meters - perfect for "sighting" practice. The whole atmosphere was great...the dolphins, fishermen, swimmers, waders, boaters...perfect time of year here in SW Florida.

Went back and worked with Mel on her cycling. She rode 12 miles around my parents development. Great work-out for her. Run 5K and bike 12 miles. She is really improving. She is an experienced swimmer and a solid runner. She will be a "sleeper" cyclist. She has the legs and core for it. It's just a matter of time. She just needs to log the miles.

This morning, we went out to Bowditch / Ft Myers Beach and Mel did her first open water swim. She was awesome. A little timid at first but a strong stroke and a solid 20 minute effort. There was a bit of a current but the water was flat. Basically perfect conditions. She is on the trainer bike right now. No denying my wife when she commits to something.

I did a 3 hour / 58 mile bike ride this afternoon in the was 94 when I started. I was sucking down the fluids. I got stuck in a torrential rain storm at mile 24 but rode it out...4 miles later I was out of the storm, back in the sun and my bike was dry...only in Florida!

I completed a 3 mile transition run and felt strong...7:17 first mile and then settled in to a 7:30 pace for the next 2. If I can go sub-8 minute miles for 13 miles in my Fall 70.3, I have an outside shot to qualify for Worlds. If it were today, I think I would have been in the 8:15 / mile range...
I am getting there. Slowly but surely...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

First Olympic Race - Wardrobe Malfunction

Happy Mother's Day! Thinking about where I am with my triathlon training, business affairs, and commitments to various charitable causes...I know that I would never be able to balance everything without the selfless commitment of my wife...she really does it, wife, tutor, best friend, class mother, chauffeur, family psychologist, and now...triathlete...she is getting ready for her first triathlon on June 7 in Naples...she is amazing...I really hit the lottery with my wife Melissa!

Siesta Key Sharks Olympic Distance Triathlon - May 9, 2009. First race since New Orleans 70.3 on April 5. This was my first Olympic Distance race.

I have been excited and cautiously optimistic about this race. I felt rested and ready. The only concern I had was that I have been in "build" mode for the last 5 weeks after New Orleans...I have not had any of those narly swim work-outs or LONG bike rides or crazy track work-outs where you feel like you are gonna die. My work-outs have been a mix of good drill work in the pool, 30 mile bike rides in HR 2-3 range followed by 30 minute transition runs, and the occassional Sunday long run of 11-15 miles. So I worried a bit that maybe I had lost some of my fitness...


Drove up to Siesta Key at 4:45 AM. Registered and got set in transition. Beautiful morning - 75 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. I always have that feeling like I forgot something. Maybe my knee strap or goggles or swim cap or Fuel Belt. Everything was in check. I warmed up on the beach, took a quick dip and peed and said my traditional prayer...

7:36 wave start after the elites and under 35 group. No wet suits as the gulf was 81 degrees and a bit rough...Love it. Good for strong swimmers. I go out hard so that I don't have to climb over people...After about 200-300 meters, I am in second place with one guy way out ahead of me...another guy is drafting right behind me and then the rest of the 60 green caps are behind me.
At 500 meters, I start to pass the lingering blue caps. Always a good feeling. I make the turn in 11 minutes and know that I am on to something...the return is into the sun and into the current...but I decide to kick harder and force my stroke a bit...I was thinking 24:30 would be a great 1500 meter swim time. Sighting was harder than New Orleans with the glare and less buoys but I nailed it. This was my straightest swim yet in a race.

Hit the last buoy in 22 flat, turn left and head toward the beach...another 100 meters of fast and furious swimming and hit the mat in 24:12...basically tied for second out of the water.

I suck at transitions. I have road shoes that need to be screwed tight, knee strap, prescription sun-glasses and two left hands. Not to mention I always feel shaky and seasick getting out of the water...
I go to strap on my helmet...(old 2005 LG Aero helmet that T-bart gave me) and boom the buckle breaks...I have way to clip my helmet strap. I ride out of transition and go "no hands" for the first quarter mile, fumbling with the helmet. I tried to manually tie it. Nothing. I pull over. Now the panic and frustration strikes. I start seeing bikes whiz by me. Nothing. Can't get it together...Wasted at least 2 minutes on the side of the road...There goes the lead I had from the swim.
My next move was stupid. I put on the helmet and went 25 miles with a loose helmet...I never fixed it. I know that if I wrecked I would have no head protection. Thank God. Nothing happened.

Felt good on the bike. There was a pretty steady head and tail wind on the double loop. I averaged about 22.5 mph and finished in 1:09. Not bad considering the helmet delay. One side note...there was a LOT of traffic on this course...that sucked. Cars blazing by, bonking horns, giving riders the really slowed everyone down and kept me on edge. New Orleans was so nice...56 miles with no auto-traffic.

T2 was uneventful although I am still slow. Looking at the results, I am in the bottom 3rd in terms of transition times...I must address this if I ever hope to podium.

The run course was slow...It was 1/2 winding sand trails, 1/4 road, 1/4 sand...and about 300 meters of very soft beach volleyball soft....the last stretch of soft sand was at mile the sun...with the finish line taunting us at the end of the soft sand...I felt like I was running in slow motion at the end.

This run was personal for me. I have this terrible hang up that I am no good off the bike. New Orleans gave me this feeling where I could barely hold 9 minute miles off the bike. My first mile yesterday was a bit slow through the trails - 8:10...But then I kicked it in and hit a rythym. I held 7:30s through Mile 5 and then really hammered the last mile. I ran the 10K in 47:18 which is close to 7:30 miles. Awesome considering the winding trails and patches of soft sand...not to mention the heat...It was 87 degrees at the finish line.

Now for the fun part. I finished in 2:25:25. I knew last year's 5th place podium time was 2:26. My goal in 2009 is at least 1 podium finish in any race. I knew I had a shot. But I also saw that I got passed by TWO guys in my age group on the run. I knew I was good out of the water but thought I saw 2 or 3 "Disk Wheel Willies" pass me on the bike...

Sure enough, there I was. 6th place. 2:24:13 was 5th. Missed the podium by about a minute. The helmet issue and the poor transitions cost me. So in New Orleans, I dealt with no odometer...and in this race, I dealth with helmet maladies. I this Karma? Or myopia for not carefully checking equipment prior to the race?

I can't complain. I am now into this for about a year and I continue to improve. I continue to be coachable. I can now "taste" the podium. I am definitely getting hungrier.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Random Questions

Training has been on track...some ups and downs with the ankle still a bit sore but some great transition runs in the 7:00-7:10 zone after 30-35 mile rides...I am looking forward to Siesta Key on Saturday morning...It will be my first true Olympic distance test. Love an Ocean swim and if the ocean is anything like it was today, it will be rough! And since they cut the swim out of St. Anthony's last week...I believe that the competition in this race will be stacked!

Here are some random questions that have come up in training these past few weeks:

1. Does breathing to the left and right in the swim make you faster?
Coach A. has stated that I need to learn how to breath on both sides...I am a natural "lefty" when breathing. I usually do 4 strokes then breath and 2 strokes when I am tired...She states that this is a "must-have" if I am going to excel at ocean water swimming where the swells may make same side breathing a challenge. As I have practiced this technique, I was very surprised at how fast I adapted...I am a little "lame" breathing on the right side, but I was able to get through 1000 meters without going back to the crutch of single side breathing.

I can't figure out if this is naturally better, faster and more hydro-dynamic or if it is simply better in the event that single-side breathing won't work because of the conditions...something feels more balance and fluid about my stroke but I can't put my finger on it...and I would never try this in my next race...because the "crutch" of single-side breathing has worked fairly well.

2. As a Cyclist, are we required to follow all traffic laws?
Do I need to come to a complete stop at stop signs? Am I allowed to creep through stop lights if it is all clear? I recently creeped through a stop light at an intersection and a guy in MY LANE drive next to me and said, "just cause you are on a bike doesn't give you the right to run through stop lights your F'ing Axx-hole..."

So - what is the official rule? I assume that I am technically supposed to follow the traffic laws but if I creep through, would a cop stop me and give me a ticket? Would love to know the basic guidelines here.

3. Does Upper Body Strength Training make you Faster?
I do lower weight, high rep. upper body work-outs twice a week. I focus on chest, biceps, tris and some ab. work. My coach supports this. I am feeling stronger and stronger and moving up with certain weights and exercises. But the extra 1.5 hours in the gym...twice a week is a becoming an issue with work and family time...especially with all the swim, bike and run work-outs. Is strength training really worth it? I know T-bart and Macray do not do anything in the gym. I think Coach Brian does some weight training...

As I thought about it, is there an argument that more muscle - even lean muscle -could actually DETRACT from triathlon performance. Note, I don't do leg training with weights because I am doing so much with swimming, biking and running...I feel this would lead to fatigue and maybe even burn-out.

When I see these guys who dominate at races...they all seem ripped and BIG...I assume they do strength training...but I wish I understood the science as to how it actually helps me with "speed"...and whether the 3 extra hours I spend per week in the gym could be better allocated?

Three random questions...