Monday, November 17, 2008

Slap Happy

Had a great 10 mile run last night.

Started with a warm-up with JJ who is getting faster and faster. He ran a mile with me in 9:03 and then coasted of 2 miles. The key to JJ is keeping it fun. He enjoys playing with "time" and getting faster and faster. He is going to run the Turkey Trop with me on Thanksgiving. I am thinking he can do it in 31:00 which is pretty fast for a 10 year old.

I did my next 8 miles at a "forever pace" of 7:45. Felt great.

Tonight, it was the coldest it has ever been for our Monday swim...about 60 degrees when we got in the pool. Pool was WARM! We are still in base training so we took it easy:

- 250 free warm-up
- 250 stroke
- 250 free
- 250 stroke
- 150 kick
- 150 free
- 150 stroke
- 150 free
- 150 stroke
- 5x100 moderate all on 15 second rest
- 200 knuckle drag
- 200 cool

Working hard on my stroke...more of a long, slow extension...less splashing and more "landing" my arms on the run-way (in the water). This promotes less drag, more rotation of my body and more of a "power pull" of my arms under water. I am a huge fan of Total Immersion Swimming...

This is one of the best demos of open water swimming I have ever seen. Note the "siting" and the absence of any splash through the water:

Shinji Takeuchi is the man!

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